Monday 19 December 2011

Longest Hair Holder

 Longest Hair in Vietnam 

After more than 42 years of not having a hair cut, 73-year old Tran Van Hay in Hoa An Village, Mong Tho Commune, Chau Thanh District, Kien Giang Province of Vietnam. He has recently been recorded in Vietnam’s Guinness Book for his hair of 6.3 metres (over 20 feet long) in length and 9kg in weight. Now he is waiting to be recorded in the World’s Guinness Book.


Charles Chaplin - Best and Rare Photo & Images with Biodata Complete Collection | Oona (O'Neill) Chaplin With Chalie Chaplin

Young Age Chaplin
Thought of by many as the greatest comedian of all time, Charles Spencer Chaplinwas born in London, England on 16 April 1889.

Charles Chaplin's parents, Charles and Hannah Chaplin, were music hall entertainers. His first stage appearance, at age five, was singing a song in place of his mother who had become ill. At eight he toured in a musical, "The Eight Lancaster Lads". Nearly 11, he appeared in "Giddy Ostende" at London's Hippodrome. Cinema Actions

.. in 'City Lights'

Representatives of First National are presented with their first Chaplin film for release. Distribution executive Sol Lesser receives the print from Charles Chaplin while Chaplin Studio head Alf Reeves holds the cheque. Syd Chaplin stands on the right

From the Topical Budget film 529 - Charlie Chaplin sails from Southampton, October 1921

Charles Chaplin and Max Linder

Marlene Dietrich and Charlie Chaplin in Berlin, 1931 - People lined the route from the station to the Hotel Adlon where Chaplin reportedly lost his trouser buttons to the excited crowd

Rollie Totheroh stands aside as Charles Chaplin shows the workings of the camera to Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford

After lunch Charles Chaplin joins pilot Amy Johnson, Lady Astor and George Bernard Shaw for a portrait in Lady Astor's garden, 1931

Gloria Swanson, Charles Chaplin and Marion Davies at the premiere of City Lights in Los Angeles on 30 January 1931. The police found it hard to control the huge crowds

At the studio, Chaplin receives a visit from Max Linder

Charlie chaplin and Gandhiji

with Jackie Coogan in 'The Kid' 'Modern Times'

The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin’s Wives

Mildred Harris Chaplin

Lita Grey Chaplin

Paulette Goddard

Oona (O'Neill) Chaplin

The Chaplin Family - Charlie and Oona with six of their children.

The Final Stage

Charlie Chaplin Gets a Hero's Welcome, 1972

After 20 years of exile over his leftist politics and half a century after his landmark silent comedies, Chaplin returns to America for an Honorary Oscar and an emotional standing ovation.

In 1972 he was honored with an Academy Award for his "incalculable effect in making motion pictures the art form of the century."

He authored two autobiographical books, "My Autobiography" in 1964 and its companion volume, "My Life in Pictures" in 1974. Chaplin died of natural causes on December 25, 1977 at his home in Switzerland.


MY Exact Flirty Text Messages, How To Create
Attraction, Get A Date, Turn Her On To Where She Is Dying To Meet
You And More... All Through Text Messaging...

Normally I don't reveal personal details about my life. But
I thought you might appreciate this...

A few weeks back, I was chilling with my buddies before going
out to a local bar.

And like guys do, we get to talking about our favorite
subject- WOMEN.

Each of us mentioned the different girls we're dating and I
felt a childish need to top them (Hey, I'm only human)

So I pulled out my cell phone and showed a few
pics I received from this one girl through text messaging.
(For the sake of privacy, we'll call her 'abc')

And of course, my friends wanted to know more about abc.

What really shocked them was when I told my friends that I
never met OR had a phone conversation with this girl.

In fact, the only contact I had with her was one orkut
message and a dozen text messages.

Naturally my friends wondered how I could get a girl to send
pictures of herself when she never met me!

What's even better is I met up with abc about a week after
this conversation.

I didn't really plan out an activity. In fact, I happened to
be in the area with my buddy Rahul and was actually pretty

but I knew she lived nearby so I sent her a quick sms
and asked if she wanted to join us.

And even though I was retardedly drunk, and had zero game, it
took only about an hour of in-person conversation to get
her into bed!

Let me say that again...

I had sex with abc after only 1 hour of conversation.

Now I'm telling because I want to brag. In fact, I work really
hard to NOT discuss my personal life with people.

But I think there's a really important lesson to be learned

SMSING should be a major tool to use when you're
meeting women.

Unless you've lived in a cave for the last couple of years,
you're probably familiar with SMSs.

They're widely used because they're incredably useful for
when you just want to ask a quick question or send a
brief message.

What's interesting is women love SMSing!

If you've watch women, you'll notice how much many
SMSs they send. In fact, I think this form of technology
is rapidly replacing phone conversations.

So when you SMS a girl the RIGHT way, you can
quickly build enough attraction that you won't have to do
much in-person game when you see her next.

but there's one major problem here...

Most of the guys I know totally screw-up their SMSs.

They SMS the way we men typically have conversations. When
talking to one another, we like to think logically and make
plans. This means are SMSs are usually straight to the point.

Women on the other hand, view SMSing as a way to get to
know one another. They use it to describe their problems and
stay in touch with people in their lives.

It's important to remember this rule when SMSing!

The way I use text messaging is to build sexual tension.

Before each SMS I send, I think carefully about how
this message will advance the interaction I'm having with
a particular girl.

Whether I'm teasing her, sending "comfort" messages or making
plans, my SMSs are specifically designed to create a strong
emotion in the girl who is receiving them!

And from the above example, you can see that there is
a TON of power behind sending a well-written SMS.

With that being said, I'm actually really surprised at the
lack of information about sending text messages to women.

While I know many guys use them, not much has been written on
the subject! So for the last 5 months, I've had to create
my own system for SMSing.

And the results were INCREDIBLE!

For instance, I tested his techniques on a "dead number".
(A girlwho I called a few times, but could never get on
the phone).

After sending her a few SMSs, I was able to create a
ton of sexual tension. And tonight I'm going to meet
her for a coffee.

From the enthusiastic responses she's sent over SMSing,
I'm pretty sure I'm about to have a very
enjoyable evening.